La Caletta Marina, Sardinia

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The marina entrance is marked. The marina answers on Channel 9. But Salvo, the charming capitanerie on our visit speaks not one word of English. With Spanish we were able to explain our vessel length which was all he needed. As you come in to the marina you will have a choice of a free side tie-up on the outer side of the visitors pier, or a normal med-moor on the inside of the same pier. This is the pier facing you at right angles as you come in the entrance and it serves as the breakwater for waves from the south. If you select the free wall you are not allowed to use water or electricity. You are also exposed to the full force of the south wind and waves, which are not stopped by the outer breakwater. In May the inside of the visitors pier was €20 per night for our 49'.DESCRIPTION
This is a quiet, run-down village of unattractive modern construction. The marina is huge and it is hard to imagine it ever being full. It's a useful stopping place between Olbia and Cala Gonone being about 25 miles from each port. The main reason to stop here would be to catch up on water supply having spent a few days in Olbia. A small river which smells of sewage emerges just on one side of the harbour and with a south wind, taints the area. It's not a touristy destination although there are very good beaches a few miles either side of La Caletta. The wind blew 20-30kts for most of our stay. The area is prone to strong winds which was evidenced when we went ashore and noticed that the local boats onshore were all tied down!GETTING ASHORE
It is quite a long walk from the visitor's pier at the marina into town. Walk towards the Agip Gas station which you can see from the marina. The town stretches a mile along this main road.FACILITIES ASHORE
Water and Electricity are included in the mooring fee.WIFI: The marina has a very nice clubroom that is intended for members of the yacht club. In this club there is a computer available for members to send and receive email. During our visit the clubroom was open to all, but the computer was unplugged. We did not see an an internet cafe in town. We were able to pick up an unsecured wifi signal just at the start of the main street in town, on the small roundabout near the Agip station.
GROCERY: There is a small supermarket in the middle of town. The Grocery store, like all of the town's shops, closes for the afternoon, opening again at around 4pm.
LAUNDRY: There is no self-service laundry in town, but there is a small full-service laundry down a side street to the left near the Esso station that marks the end of town. Look carefully for a small hand-painted sign on the right side of the main road. It is a private residence, not a shop and easy to miss even when standing outside it!
CHANDLERIES; There are no chandleries, but there is a hardware store on the main road close to the Esso station but on a street that turns off the main road to the left. It is signposted Ferramenta. There is a fishing tackle shop on the main street