Agios Nikolaos Marina, Crete, Greece

Not to be used for navigation
Entrance is at the land end of the breakwater. Call ahead on channel 72 (not channel 12 as mentioned by IMRAY's Med Guide - this is the Coast Guard frequency and elicited no response). Marineros are on duty 24/7 and will direct you to a slip and assist with lines.MOORING
Most berths are stern or bows-to with good quality new laid lines (04/2009) tailed to the pier port and starboard. However all berths are beam-to the prevailing North wind and the marina is not as protected from the prevailing north wind by the headland as it appears on the chart/photo. In particularly strong winds you may be assigned to a temporary berth near the entrance.DESCRIPTION
The Marina is completely protected from swell but is subject to strong gusts from the prevailing north wind. This is a popular wintering-over spot. Ag. Nik. is a nice relaxed touristy town with a pleasant harbour area and good shopping. This is a good safe place to leave your boat while exploring Crete by land.GOING ASHORE
The town is adjacent to the marina.FACILITIES ASHORE
BEACHES: There is a pleasant town beach adjacent to the marina, and a nicer one just around the headland.WEBSITE: The marina has its own website
VHF/NET: The marineros monitor Ch 72 which is also used by resident liveaboards.
WIFI: The marina will provide you with a password to access the marina WIFI service (included in rates). During our visit we found an unsecured free signal from outside the marina that was faster.
SHOWERS: The Marina showers and toilets are the nicest we have yet found in the Med. with private shower rooms, and are free for use of customers.
LAUNDRY: Marina has its own washers and dryers. Currently (04/2009) 3 euros a load. The complexity of their key loaning arrangement may have you using the competitively priced laundry in town, Snow white laundry located on a side street off to the right of the treelined street visible from the Marina entrance (see map).
ELECTRICITY AND WATER: Available at all slips. Electricity is metered and charged monthly.
CHANDLERY: A small chandlery on the street above the marina.
GROCERIES: Medium sized supermarkets in town, fresh vegetable stands, fresh fish shops (mornings only) and at least two butchers all within a few blocks of the marina. A Lidl and a larger Carrefour & SPAR on the road out of town (you will need transport to reach these).
BUTANE/PROPANE: Marina will refill tanks with a weekly turnaround.
RESTAURANTS: There are a number of restaurants in town. For an upmarket treat Barco (see map) is worth the money.
CAR RENTAL: The town is full of car and scooter rental offices. Going rate in 04/2009 was 30 euros per day.