Molyvos Harbour, Lesvos, Greece

Not to be used for navigation
This is a beautiful little harbour that offered good protection during the mild winds during our stay. The inner harbour is well protected with an inner breakwater but is very small with a narrow entrance. There may be room for a sub 10m yacht in here. We tied up in the outer harbour. The area immediately surrounding the harbour is not really a village, but is a satellite of the village up the hill. Consequently, other than the port police and a few restaurants, most facilities are found up the hill.MOORING
You can side-tie to the inner wall of the outer breakwater as we did and as shown in the photo above. Alternatively you can anchor out and tie up stern or bows to the North wall of the outer harbour due north of our position.FACILITIES ASHORE
WIFI: We were able to pick up an unsecured wifi signal "mymolyvos" in the harbour. There is also an internet cafe "Central Internet".UTILITIES: The harbour offers 220v electricity and water. The water faucets are locked. A key can be obtained from the travel agency/hotel/restaurant located a few shops to the E of the port police office (they can give you the exact location). You will be asked to guess your consumption and pay the owner of the hotel when you leave. He's not too interested in collecting the money since it goes to the town, not him.
GROCERY STORES: There are a couple of basic minimarkets in the streets above the harbour. You will also find that truck based vegetable vendors and a butcher make a tour through town, announcing their goods over loudspeakers as they drive into the harbour (in Greek).